Latest Published Archives

State Archives of Asti

Italian civil status (integration): 368 registers (1906-1915), 19,399 images

State Archives of Cuneo

Italian civil status (integration): 18,026 records (1866-1953), 1,977,332 images

State Archives of Sondrio

7,119 records (1926-1952), 203,128 images

State Archives of Terni, Orvieto section

371 records (1513-1869), 30,586 images

State Archives of Terni

4,464 records (1559-1916), 104,733 images

State Archives of Rome

Napoleonic civil status (with appendix from the 16th century): 189 registers (1576-1850), 33,205 images

State Archives of Bergamo

Italian civil status (integration): 38,007 records (1866-1944), 1,517,577 images

State Archives of Novara

693 records (1806-1865), 49,595 images

State Archives of Perugia

782 records (1522-1872), 72,761 images

State Archives of Parma

34,256 records (1626-1945), 2,190,181 images.

State Archives of Vercelli

26,727 records (1803-1945), 1,287,305 images.

State Archives of Vercelli, Varallo section

13,012 records (1804-1925), 241,129 images.

State Archives of Udine

Italian marital status. Municipalities pertaining to the Tolmezzo Court: 6,693 records (1871-1901), 242,130 images.

State Archives of Piacenza

34,024 records (1662-1935), 3,459,600 images

State Archives of Prato

238 records (1482-1900), 50,076 images

State Archives of Mantua

Italian civil status (records of the Court of Mantua)
19,180 records (1901-1945), 2,028,450 images

State Archives of Siena

5,228 records (1866-1911), 830,289 images

State Archives of Firenze

55,669 records (1804-1874), 3,018,735 images

State Archives of Caltanissetta

4,322 records (1820-1865), 478,669 images

State Archives of Alessandria

4,226 records (1721-1865), 261,859 images

State Archives of Napoli

844 records (1809 -1903), 171,322 images

State Archives of Milan

23,517 records (1866-1949), 10,294,157 images

State Archives of Cremona

20,135 records (1868-1950), 1,820,593 images

State Archives of Enna

2,992 records (1820-1915), 385,143 images

State Archives of Palermo

Italian civil status (registers of municipalities) and Restoration civil status (registers of municipalities) : 10,015 records (1820-1951), 1,023,631 images

State Archives of Como

Italian Civil Status (Municipalities of the province of Lecco) : 5.728 records (1866-1950), 397.648 images

State Archives of Bari

1,792 records (1929-1935), 661,989 images

State Archives of Biella

1,940 records (1866-1951), 212,602 images

State Archives of Ancona

10,805 records (1544-1946), 1,235,528 images

State Archives of Foggia, Lucera section

18,514 records (1809-1924), 1,633,490 images

State Archives of Foggia

15,225 records (1809-1949), 1,849,100 images

State Archives of Frosinone

3,318 records (1809-1921), 120,269 images

State Archives of Brindisi

4,269 records (1886-1945), 484,446 images

State Archives of Teramo

32.918 records (1809-1921), 1.159.951 images

State Archives of Siracusa

11.756 records (1820-1945), 1.974.097 images

State Archives of Cosenza

63.614 records (1652-1913), 3.326.502 images

State Archives of Pistoia

4.986 records (1809-1903), 257.536 images

State Archives of Reggio Emilia

577 records (1806-1852), 61.523 images

State Archives of Massa

2,563 records (1819-1865), 302,322 images

State Archives of Bologna

6,822 records (1806-1899),1,208,214 images

State Archives of Siracusa, Noto section

742 records (1820-1892), 404,499 images

State Archives of Massa, Pontremoli section

912 records (1777-1941), 126,972 images

State Archives of Vicenza

17,102 records (1805-1950), 1,317,005 images

State Archives of Bologna, Imola section

2,622 records (1806-1816), 132,227 images

List of Archives published from 2012 to 2020

12-giu-2020Rome (Municipalities in the province of Rome)1810-195020.600872.721
13-gen-2020Reggio Emilia1769-19457.257643.483

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