State Archives of Rome


Status of digitization activities


Civil registry

The civil status records in the State Archives of Rome are:

-The Napoleonic Registry Civil (1810-1814): consisting of civil status records of Rome and its surrounding area, and a small appendix of parish books (1565- 1849) which arrived at the State Archives with the rest of the fonds.

Registry Civil of Rome and Province (1871-1929): the fund was paid by the Court of Rome in several tranches in 2006-2007 and consisted of the Italian Civil Status registers (births, deaths, marriages, indexes) relating to Rome and the municipalities of the Province.
Due to lack of space in the State Archives, the records were outsourced to Iron Mountain and stored in a warehouse in Aprilia, where all the records were destroyed by fire in 2011. To remedy this loss, in 2015 the ‘Family Search’ association launched a campaign to digitise the ‘first originals’ kept in the municipalities of the Province of Rome.

Army census

The fonds of the Archivio di Stato di Roma: Roma Recruitment Office (1850-1947), consisting of conscription lists, draft lists and decisions of the Lever Council; Civitavecchia Recruitment Office (1850-1899), consisting of conscription lists, draft lists and decisions of the Lever Council.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Orvieto Military District archive (which includes the Rieti province) contains the draft cards and the alphabetical lists (classes of 1859-1915), that give us information about the military service and campaigns, the Army corps in which the soldiers served until their discharge, and the draft cards of the National Security Voluntary Militia for the classes between 1881 and 1915. The draft cards of the recruits of the Rome circumscritpion (classes of 1850-1945) can be found at the Rome Military District.

Archival heritage