
Reproductions of civil status registers can be found by searching for registers in a particular municipality, in a particular series (births, marriages, deaths, etc.) or by searching by date or chronological references, thanks to the Search in registers function.

Using the Search by Name function, you can type in the name of the person whose personal data you are looking for and, if the registers in which he appears have been indexed, you can directly find the civil status record in which he is mentioned. Since to date only a minority of the registers on the Portal have been indexed, please note that it is still possible to search from the original annual and ten-year indexes compiled by civil status offices.

To help increase the number of names available for research, you can participate as a volunteer in indexing the registers. To find out more, Participate in the project.

In order to protect the confidentiality of personal data, registers of births at least 100 years old and marriage and death registers at least 70 years old are made accessible on the Portal.

In the sections devoted to the individual State Archives, to make research easier, the registers are divided into the three historical periods, which, according to the different areas of Italy, saw the emergence of modern civil status registration: Napoleonic civil status (1806-1815); civil status of the Restoration (1815-1865); Italian civil status (dal 1865 a oggi).

This organisation may not correspond to the order in which the original registers are kept in the State Archives. However, the archival data appearing in the search path of the individual image can help to identify the original register in the archive of origin, in case it needs to be consulted or certified copies of documents need to be requested.

For all information on the ownership of the images, the conditions of use and publication, and on how to request high-definition reproductions from the State Archives that preserve the originals, please refer to the Legal Notices.

Further information for users new to genealogical research and the world of archives can be found in the section Family History Research.

In the Family Histories section it is possible to access collections of audiovisual, documentary and iconographic materials that recount the transformations that have characterised the Italian family and society during the 20th century.

These materials make it possible to recover a narrative dimension of anagraphic and genealogical research, and offer users the opportunity to illustrate their own research experience by contributing directly to the section Tell Your Family History.

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