Research grants

In this section of the portal, we have systematically brought together all research aids that can be consulted online.

The section is divided into themes:

  • genealogical research;
  • religious institutes and bodies;
  • military sources;
  • immigration;
  • local history;
  • Private and family history;
  • demographic trends;
  • cemetery registry.

On the pages of the individual State Archives in the Browse the Archives section of the Portal, further useful resources for researching individual institutions are indicated.

Genealogical research

  • Anagrafe degli amministratori locali e regionali. The database established by the Ministry of the Interior. Department for Internal and Territorial Affairs, collects information on those elected to local and regional offices (municipalities, provinces, metropolitan cities and regions Inside, it is possible to retrieve personal data, the list or group to which they belong or to which they are linked, their qualifications and the profession they exercise. The searched date cannot be less than 06/06/1982.
  • Ancestry. Is a private company that offers genealogical research services for a fee The site collects a number of databases based on data from various civil status registers, i.e. Italian civil status records, relating to births, marriages and deaths. The databases are divided by locality and cover rather heterogeneous chronological arcs. Ancestry also provides services for a fee.
  • Archive Bordeaux Métropole. The Archives de Bordeaux Métropole preserves and makes available online the parish and civil registers of the towns of Ambarès-et-Lagrave, Bègles, Blanquefort, Bordeaux, Bruges, Le Bouscat, Le Haillan and Pessac, as well as the civil registers of the former municipality of Caudéran (incorporated into Bordeaux on February 22, 1965).
  • Biblioteca Nacional de España. The Biblioteca Nacional de España in the Genealogical Research section provides the user with a very selective resource guide. It aims to help those interested in genealogical research to locate various data in the BNE itself and in other centers, organizations or institutions and to begin research.
  • D.P.L.A: Digital Public Library of America. Founded in 2010 on the initiative of several libraries, universities and foundations, it is supported by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University and funded by the Alfred Sloan Foundation. The site offers a section dedicated to genealogical research.
  • East Riding Archives. Makes Civil Status Records, Election Records, Population Censuses, Parish Records, School Records searchable online.
  • Family Search. Is an international non-profit organisation offering free tools for genealogical research. From the site, one can access billions of digitised documents from all over the world. Users can create their own free account.
  • Find My Past. Find My Past provides British and Irish genealogical records. Its database contains Population Censuses; Civil Status Records; Parish Records; Military Sources; and immigration sources.
  • Geneaindex. This site was created with the intention of republishing and disseminating historical and genealogical works on the Internet before they are lost due to the demise of Internet sites. The site provides numerous references to research tools, such as specialised sites and portals dedicated to genealogical investigations. It also contains video tutorials (also in Italian) on how to carry out genealogical research.
  • GeneaNet. Created in 1996 by a few genealogy enthusiasts, GeneaNet is a community with more than 5 million members, who share their genealogical information: more than 8 billion individuals in family trees, digitised archive documents, family photographs, extracts, etc. all available for free thanks to a powerful search engine and a blog.
  • Italian Genealogical Group. Site of the Italian Genealogical Group (I.G.G.), established in 1993, dedicated to the promotion of Italian family history and genealogy provides support to those interested in researching their Italian ancestors.
  • My Heritage. Is a free online platform. A search engine of sorts, it combines the power of over 1,400 genealogical databases worldwide in one easy-to-use interface The site also provides useful spelling variations for surnames, allowing multi-variation searches to be conducted in parallel.

Religious Institutes and Bodies

  • Archivi Storici Diocesani. The Register of Ecclesiastical Cultural Institutes (AICE) refers to an alphabetical list subdivided by Region (policy), as it appears on the BeWeb site of the Catholic Church as of 26 March 2021. Each institute has its own link that refers directly to the institutional website of the selected Diocesan Historical Archive, which is useful to have contacts and basic information before starting a search.
  • Archivio Storico della Diocesi di Agrigento. The Diocese of Agrigento has made available online some parish registers of the Diocese of Agrigento, where it is possible, through free registration, to consult the digitised parish registers of the diocese.
  • Archivio Storico della Diocesi di Como. The Fondazione Centro Studi Nicolò Rusca has made the Baptisms database, where baptism registers produced by the Cathedral Baptistery, the parishes of San Fedele and San Donnino in Como from 1830 to 1866 can be searched by name.
  • Archivio Storico dell’Unione delle Comunità Ebraiche Italiane (UCEI). The site offers users the digitisation in PDF format of the paper inventories of the archival fonds kept at UCEI’s Tullia Zevi Bibliographic Centre.
  • BeWeb Portale dei beni culturali ecclesiastici. The portal is an access point to the impressive census of the historical, artistic, architectural and archival heritage of all Italian dioceses and ecclesiastical cultural institutes. From the Archival Assets section, it is possible to access the descriptive files on the fonds, the producers and the preserving institutions. At the moment, 1,200 archival fonds corresponding to the holdings of 75 institutes are available, but the site is constantly being updated and new publications are constantly being made.
  • Comunità ebraica di Mantova. The site provides access to the documentation produced by the Jewish Community of Mantua from 1522 until after the Second World War. In the section registres it is possible to consult 42 civil status registers covering the chronological span from the 18th to the 19th century.
  • Opera di Santa Maria in Fiore. It has made part of the Historical Archive of the Florence Cathedral, of the Archdiocese of Florence, available for consultation the baptismal registers from 1450 to 1900 for a total number of 445 registers. The search, within the database, can be carried out in two ways: 1) List: allows you to select a register from the complete list for a card-by-card consultation; 2) Search: by entering certain parameters (chronological span, gender and initial letter), you can consult the cards of several registers that meet the chosen conditions.
  • Patrimonio Culturale Metodista e Valdese. The site is a portal through which to explore the digitised assets of the vast Methodist and Waldensian cultural heritage in Italy. From the Archival Assets section it is possible to consult the description of the fonds relating to the archives of the various local churches.
  • Italian Parish Registers. The site constitutes a portal where the parish registers of most Italian dioceses are digitized and made searchable online. Dioceses are divided by region and by province.

Military sources

  • Albo d’Oro dei Caduti. The Ministry of Defence provides two databases of the fallen and missing of the First and Second World War. It is possible to obtain the name along with birth details, the department to which they belonged and the place and date of death.
  • Albo degli I.M.I. The Associazione Nazionale Reduci dalla Prigionia, dall’Internamento, dalla Guerra di Liberazione e loro familiari (ANRP) has made available the register of Italian Military internees (I.M.I.) in which the biographical and personal details of Italian military internees, who lost their lives in the Third Reich camps between 1943 and 1945, are included.
  • Arolsen Archives. The Arolsen Archives are an international documentation, information and research centre on Nazi persecution, forced labour and the Holocaust in Germany and occupied regions, located in Bad Arolsen in Germany. The archive contains around 30 million documents from the concentration camps, details of the deportation, internment, forced labour and imprisonment of both Italian military and civilians.
  • Associazione Culturale di Ricerche Storiche Pico Cavalieri. On the website of the Pico Cavalieri Cultural Association for Historical Research it is possible to consult the lists of the Fallen of Ferrara and its province in the First and Second World Wars. It is also possible to consult and download the Albo d’Oro dei Caduti ferraresi 1848-1945 in PDF format.
  • Associazione Nazionale Reduci dalla Prigionia. On the site of the Associazione Nazionale Reduci della Prigionia dall’Internamento, dalla Guerra di Liberazione (National Association of Prisoners of Liberation War) and their relatives, it is possible to consult a database, in which are entered, in systematic order, biographical and personal details of Italian civilian workers in the Third Reich who were subjected to forced labour in Germany to support the German war economy between 1943-1945. The online database is organised in such a way as to be able to easily, quickly and selectively trace the personal and biographical data of thousands of people, give them a name and possibly even a face.
  • Croce Rossa Italiana. The Historical Archive of the Milan Red Cross has the task of collecting, preserving and enhancing the historical documentation relating to the activities that have characterised the association over time. The recent project to reorganise and recondition the documentary heritage stems from the need to return the Historical Archive to the Milan Red Cross Committee and to the citizens, making this material usable in the city where on 15 June 1864 the first Committee of the Italian Association for Relief to the Wounded and Sick in War, later to become the Italian Red Cross, was established. The archive holds over 1660 archival units, bearing witness to the history of assistance and charity organisations in Italy.
  • Istituto Ligure per la Storia e la Resistenza dell’età Contemporanea. On the site, it is possible to consult the more than 34,000 files that make up the Ligurian Partisan Database based on the files produced by the Ligurian regional commission for the recognition of partisan qualifications and now kept at the Central State Archive.
  • Istituto Storico della Resistenza in Piemonte. Produced as a result of research directed by Claudio Dellavalle and conducted by the Piedmont Resistance History Institutes in cooperation with the Ministry of Defence, the computer database contains 108. 421 names of fighting partisans, patriots, and well-deserving who carried out activities during the Liberation struggle in Piedmont, taken from the summary sheets of personal files, kept in the archives of the Ufficio Riconpart (Office for the Recognition of Qualifications and Rewards to Partisans), of files examined by the Piedmont, Liguria and Lombardy Commissions for ascertaining partisan qualifications.
  • Istituto Storico per la Storia della resistenza e della Società Contemporanea di Provincia di Asti. Several databases relating to the province can be consulted on the site: Asti War Victims, including those who died in the First and Second World Wars, Asti Political Deportees and War Prisoners and Military internees.
  • Partigiani d’Italia. In 2017, the Central Institute for Archives (ICAR) launched this project to make the files on applications for recognition of partisan qualifications kept in the Ricompart fund at the Central State Archives accessible to researchers and a wide public.
  • Solferino e San Martino. The site is a useful search engine for the fallen soldiers of the Battle of Solferino and San Martino of 24 June 1859.
  • Unione Nazionale Italiana Reduci di Russia. On the website it is possible to consult the on-line database containing the names of the Italian Fallen and Missing during the Russian campaign that took place between 1941 and 1943. By filling in at least one of the mandatory search fields, it is possible to find detailed descriptions of each of the names in the list. Access to the database is permitted only to users who have registered for free on the site.
  • Vicentini caduti o dispersi in Russia. The National Alpine Association, Vicenza Monte Pasubio Section has published online a database containing 2,523 names of Vicenza citizens who fell or went missing during the Russian Campaign (1941-1943). It is possible to search by name, surname, place and date of birth, rank, division and battalions to which they belonged, as well as date and place of death.


  • Archivo General de la Nación Argentina. The site of the General Archive of the Argentine Nation contains the records of the Immigration Commission from 1825 to 1828. It also provides a remote search service in which the user can request copies of immigrant files in Buenos Aires between 1630 and 1930, decrees produced by the National Executive Power between 1947 and 2016, and high-resolution photographic, audiovisual and sound documents.
  • Archivio Pubblico del Minas Gerais. The site of the Minas Gerais Public Archives (APM), superintendent of the Secretariat of State for Culture, deals with the collection of documents produced and accumulated by the executive branch of Minas Gerais, as well as private documentation of public interest. Among the resources on the site is a database of immigrants who arrived in the state between 1888 and 1901.
  • Archivio Pubblico dello Stato di Espírito Santo. The Public Archive of the State of Espírito Santo started a project called Projeto Imigrantes Espírito, in which a database is published where information on immigrants can be found, such as: lists of boarding on ships and disembarkation at destination ports, check-in and check-out lists for pensions, passports, registration and census of agricultural colonies, other institutional documents.
  • Archivio Pubblico dello Stato di San Paolo. The Public Archive of the State of São Paulo holds numerous series of documents recording the entry of immigrants into the state of São Paulo, Brazil. These include the lists of passengers disembarked at the port of Santos between 1888 and 1978, the registration books of the Hospedaria de Imigrantes do Brás one of the largest reception centres for foreigners in Brazil between 1886 and 1973, and finally the people registered at the specialised police stations for foreigners in the State of São Paulo between 1939 and 1984.
  • Archivio Pubblico dello Stato di Paranà. The Registro de Imigrantes database allows searches among the more than 100,000 names of those who landed in the port of Paranaguá between the years 1876 to 1879 and 1885 to 1896.
  • Archivio Storico Comunale di Alvito, Palazzo Gallio. The site has two sections: Emigration between the 19th and 20th centuries, containing extensive digitised documentation; The face of emigration (1916-1931), in which passport applications have been digitised with photographs attached, also providing useful biographical references.
  • Archives Departementales des Alpes-Maritimes. In the Généalogie section, it is possible to consult the digitised civil status registers for all the municipalities in the department In addition, a database called Immigration italienn is available, in which naturalisation practices between 1880 and 1931, expulsion practices up to 1935 and population censuses of Grasse from 1891 to 1931 have been digitised. Parish registers of baptisms and marriages in the parishes of Nice from 1814 to 1860 are also available.
  • Archives of Ontario. The site makes available a database containing assisted immigration records compiled by the Toronto Emigrant Office between 1865 and 1883, with over 29,000 names.
  • Bibliothèque et Archives nationaux du Québec. The Bibliothèque et Archives nationaux du Québec (BAnQ) maintains and makes available online civil status records. Quebec’s collection of civil status records is one of the most comprehensive in the world. This is due to the measures taken by public and religious authorities since the time of New France and the fact that it has been spared from natural disasters or armed conflicts. Births (baptisms), as well as marriages and deaths (burials), are recorded in civil status records. In New France, following current practice in France, Catholic priests compiled two copies of each of the civil status registers: the religious copy, kept in the parish, and the state copy, filed annually at the courthouse. After the 1760 conquest, the obligation to keep civil status records was gradually extended to other religious denominations (Anglican, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Evangelical, Jewish, Lutheran, etc.).
  • Centro Altreitalie sulle migrazioni Italiane. The Centro Altreitalie sulle Migrazioni Italiane (Altreitalie Centre on Italian Migrations), established in the autumn of 2005 at the Giovanni Agnelli Foundation, operates with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo. Since 2009, it has found a new institutional location in Globus et Locus, one of the main actors in Italy active in the analysis of issues related to the dialectic between global and local. The Centre proposes itself as a place for research, meetings, and cultural cooperation in the field of Italian migration and communities of Italian origin in the world. In addition, in the Search for your roots section, it is possible to consult a database containing three distinct databases, containing the transcription of information in the disembarkation registers of ships that arrived in the ports of New York, Buenos Aires and Vitoria, limited to passengers of Italian nationality.
  • CEMLA: Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos. Database covering the registrations of immigrants of all nationalities who arrived in Argentina, up to 1960. There are more than 4 million registered migrants, whose personal data, country of origin, dates of travel and the ship they travelled on can be retrieved.
  • Center for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University. The Centre for Family History and Genealogy at Brigham Young University has launched the Immigrant Ancestors project. The user has the possibility of researching the documentation on emigration that was produced in Europe. These documents provide us with important information about the place and date of birth of each migrant. It is possible to search by archive/conservative body, on the documentation produced in Italy in the Italian language, there are four archival series that can be consulted: Naples clandestine emigration; Passport Requests Naples 1888-1901; Prefecture of Genoa 1858-1872; Passport Request Turin 1903-1905.
  • Centro Internazionale Studi Emigrazione Italiana. The database Dal Porto al Mondo of the CISEI contains information from several archives, including Liste di imbarco tratte dai Registri di Sanità Marittima of the Genova State Archives for the period 1833-1856.
  • Delaware Public Archives. The Delaware Public Archives has made several naturalisation records (1796 to 1820) available (in digital format) in the Digital Ancestry section. A free registration is required to access them.
  • Fondazione Paolo Cresci. The Paolo Cresci Foundation collects extremely heterogeneous material, the result of patient and meticulous research and accumulation work by Paolo Cresci, and then continued by his wife. The collection includes correspondence, postcards, original and non-original photographs, magazines, newspapers, books and various personal items that belonged to a variety of people who left Italy in search of fortune between the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a specific database to research Tuscans who landed in Argentina between 1906 and 1952.
  • Library and Archives Canada. In the Immigration records section, a database containing over 20,000 name references to the passenger lists of those who landed at ports in various Canadian locations between 1865 and 1922 can be consulted.
  • Libraries Tasmania. The site makes available lists of passengers who arrived in Tasmania from 1803 to 1900. In addition, there are Tasmanian Civil Status records from 1803 to 1920.
  • Missouri State Archives. The site has made available a database of all naturalization documents produced in the various counties of the state of Missouri from 1816 to 1955. It is possible to search by name.
  • National Archives. The National Archives in Washington D.C. offers a rich database of immigrant registrations in the U.S. from the mid-1800s to the mid-2000s. It also offers multiple resources for genealogists and genealogical research.
  • National Archives of Australia. The National Archives of Australia, in the Immigration and citizenship section offers rich databases, of particular interest are Passenger arrivals records contains passenger arrival records; Citizenship records contains documents relating to applying for Australian citizenship.
  • Pubblic Record of Victoria. The Passenger records and immigration section contains records of passengers disembarked in Victoria state in South Australia.
  • South Australia’s State Archives Department. The site makes available lists of passengers who arrived in South Australian ports between 1845 and 1940.
  • The Statue of Liberty—Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. Site related to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island monumental complex. The site offers a wealth of information on the history of immigration. The site has a section entitled Find your family, where you can access a database of the records of ships that arrived at Ellis Island. The ship logs contain the biographical, physical and psychological details of the newly disembarked migrants, the date of departure and arrival, the name of the ship and any relatives or kin. To access, a free registration is required.

Local history

  • Archivio Monumentale del Novecento in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The site constitutes a portal through which a vast heritage of archival, photographic and audiovisual sources relating to the region can be inventoried and catalogued. In the context of this project, of particular importance is the section called the Partisanship Card, which allows the user, by selecting the name of interest from those in the list, to find detailed biographical information and sometimes even digitised images of the documents relating to the person sought.
  • Archivio Online del Novecento Trentino. Platform through which it is possible to access thousands of biographical files on the Trentino people who lived in the last century. The site offers the possibility of searching for the desired name within five databases: Trentino soldiers in the Second World War, Trentino Volunteers in the Great War, Opponents of Fascism, Trentino Legionaries in Spain (1936- 1939) and Women and Men of the Resistance. Each card provides useful biographical information regarding the name to which it refers.
  • Deputazioni e società di Storia e Patria. The list is in alphabetical order by (political) region, each Deputation and Society of Homeland History has its own link directly to the selected Deputation and Society of Homeland History institutional website.
  • Parma ‘900. A platform created by the Historical Institute of the Resistance and Contemporary Age of Parma (Isrec) with the aim of providing, through databases, an organic documentation on the men and women who lived through the history of Parma in the 20th century. Launched in 2018, Parma ‘900 was originally created around the construction of an initial database on allied prisoners of war held in the PG49 prison camp in Fontanellato.
  • Toscana ‘900. A portal where it is possible to consult three important databases relating to the region: Partisans and Patriots, the Central Political Records, comprising over 750 files on as many people surveyed from the end of the 19th century to the Second World War and resident in Tuscany, and the over 400 name files on Tuscan Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War.

Private and family history

  • Archivio Nazionale dei Film di Famiglia. L’ Archivio Nazionale del Film di Famiglia, founded and managed in Bologna by the Home Movies Foundation, was created with the aim of saving and transmitting a hidden and inaccessible audiovisual heritage. The unpublished, private and personal audiovisual documentation collected by the Archives constitutes a vast and valuable visual depository for 20th century Italian history, which is gradually being made public and made available through projects and initiatives. To date, the Archive holds about 30,000 items, almost all of them on original media consisting of small-format film (8mm, super8, 16mm, 9.5mm Pathè Baby) shot between the 1920s and the 1980s. Added to this is a small amount of 35mm film and, increasingly, audiovisuals on video and audio magnetic media. About 1,500 film funds for 6,000 hours of audiovisual material from all over Italy.
  • Archivio Riavvolte memorie future. L’ Archivio Riavvolte is an archive of personal and collective memories. It aims to collect, preserve and enhance audiovisual materials from private archives, which by their nature are in constant danger of dispersal and deterioration.
  • Archives audiovisuelles en banlieue parisienne. Since 1999 Cinéam has been collecting, safeguarding and promoting amateur and family films in the Parisian suburbs, especially in Essonne. The audiovisual archive brings together 500 digitized hours spread across nearly a hundred collections, the oldest films dating back to the 1920s. These animated, fragile, and little-known images contribute to the knowledge of the history of the Île-de-France region. An online reference tool, this site makes it possible to share a unique film heritage. Cinéam echoes the call made in 2008 by the International Federation of Film Archives: Don’t throw your films away!” entrust them to us!
  • Archives Audiovisuelles PACA Portal des Archives Audiovisuelles en Provence, Alpes, Côte d’Azur. This project is aimed at any facility, public or private, that wishes to be part of a regional dynamic of promoting local history through its films. Currently, the portal brings together individuals, local associations and communities. The common point of all these facilities is to have audiovisual archives concerning the history of Provence and the PacaI region. Family films present a wealth of unusual information, often little known to the general public. The films offered by this portal present daily life in the Mouths of the Rhone from 1940 to the present. They have unprecedented value as they present customs and mentalities of an era through family relationships, recreational activities, clothing and culinary habits. They also present traditional crafts, as well as familiar places in Marseille.
  • Associazione 8mezzo. The cultural association 8mmezzo stands as a point of reference for the discovery, restoration, digitization and enhancement of old family films shot on film. The material is all cataloged, “backuppered” and archived through a keyword system for immediate usability that makes old footage visible and gives it new life. To date, more than 140 thousand meters of unreleased film from Italy and the World have already been digitized in Full HD.
  • Centro Cultural la Moneda, Cineteca Nacional de Chile, Cine Casaero. The National Film Archive of Chile intends to preserve and disseminate the national film heritage also family documents have been considered vital audiovisual heritage, that is, films by individuals who without commercial purposes managed to acquire a camera and filmed different events to preserve different experiences. More than two thousand rolls of amateur film are currently preserved, which made records ranging from the 1920s to the 1980s. Their contents and its protagonists are many: images of Santiago and its regions, of typical places, both urban and natural, accounts of historical events and personalities, and of course family gatherings and activities (birthdays, baptisms, walks, weddings, etc.) that visually contribute to the understanding, appreciation, and discovery of traditions and, above all, architectural, urban, and natural heritage. Preserving family films that, while mostly lacking in refined aesthetic treatment, nevertheless contribute to the expansion of film memory and, thus, the country’s heritage and identity.
  • Cine Casaero Uruguay. Cine Casero is a collective dedicated to the preservation of family audiovisual records. Saves and recovers the value of audiovisual recordings of everyday life, home movies, and films that are part of cultural heritage. These are materials that have often been neglected by archival institutions because they do not conform to the conventions of what is considered audiovisual heritage or because they lack the knowledge and infrastructure to take care of them.
  • Cinema familiare. The Centro Risorse Educative e Didattiche Mediateca Banca della Memoria (CRED) has been collecting and saving what is known as family cinema in digital form for years. that is the films on film that were produced in various formats by Italian families and other agents from the 1920s onwards This is an immense production that is, however, retrieved with some difficulty and since the authors of the documents or their heirs often no longer have the technology necessary to project the films, there is a considerable risk that they will be destroyed; the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendence of Tuscany has helped CRED in this collection and rescue activity. The films offer an unprecedented glimpse of how society presents itself: we have footage of rural festivals, weddings, family life, local competitions, carnivals, industrial and agricultural work, holidays at the seaside or in the mountains, and travel.
  • Cinémémorie, Cinémathèque Marseillaise de films amateurs. Cinémémoire has an extensive collection of unreleased films (archival footage, home movies, and family films) from the 1920s to the present. The Cinémémoire image bank consists of more than 1,300 hours of amateur images from the four corners of the world, with a specific focus on former French colonies, the PACA region (Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur) and Marseille. Whether you are an audiovisual professional, director, or producer, these documents could prove to be fabulous archival footage for your films, documentaries, or television programs. Users can search directly in the online database, or contact the Cinémémoire library. They can provide you with the images you have chosen directly on different media (DV, DVCAM, DVD , Hard Disk).
  • Cineteca Italiana. The Cineteca Italiana is a private archival institution based in Milano. Established in 1947 and became a foundation in 1996, the Cineteca Italiana holds more than 20,000 films and more than 100,000 photographs from the history of Italian and international cinema. The Cineteca is active in the restoration of films, which are presented at major international film festivals, and in the Cineteca’s screening rooms. Other holdings of the Cinematheque include a large collection of original screenplays and a corpus of 15,000 silent and sound film posters.
  • Cineteca Nazionale – Archivio Nazionale Cinema Impresa. In 2006, the was Archivio Nazionale Cinema Impresa inaugurated in Ivrea, in agreement with the Experimental Centre of Cinematography, the Piedmont Region and the Municipality of Ivrea and Telecom Italia Spa, for the preservation and dissemination of visual documents produced in the enterprise sector. The Archive, located in the former Olivetti kindergarten designed by Arch. Mario Ridolfi, preserves about 82,000 reels of films made since the early years of the last century by companies; research organizations; production houses; cultural associations and private individuals. Throughout the twentieth century, business cinema has been an important area of industrial policy, leading to the production of thousands of filmed documents dealing with all aspects of corporate life, from social works to production stages to advertising. In recent years, the Archives has opened up to little-known or unfamiliar film genres such as religious-themed cinema, experimental and militant cinema, and the family cinema of which it holds one of the largest national collections: about 10,000 films that testify to the evolution of Italian society from an unusual point of view.
  • Cinescatti Bergamo Archivio regionale del film amatoriale e di famiglia. In 2021 in Bergamo and 2022 in Brescia, Cinescatti called together all citizens who had home and family films in their attic, offering free film restoration and digitization. The restored reels were returned to the donors and placed in the Cinescatti Archive, a region-wide landmark with over five thousand reels preserved, allowing them to be used by Academy students and young artists and videomakers to create original works. More than a thousand reels were turned in for over thirty-five thousand feet of film, images made by passionate filmmakers between the 1920s and 1980s. Often the films show familiar places in the two cities, evocatively highlighting the changes that have occurred over the years to squares, streets, monuments and natural places, telling the stories of the families who have experienced them.
  • Cineteca Sarda. The Società Umanitaria della Sardegna promotes the project La tua memoria è la nostra storia, a regional campaign aimed at building an archive of the private and family memory of Sardinians. The project involves the recovery, preservation and enhancement of those films made by all those who until 1985 recorded, on film of all formats, images to document the habits and recurrences of their family life, daily moments and ceremonies, places and traditions, faces and gestures, travels and vacations, sports activities and festivals. Added to these are amateur, documentary or fiction films made in leisure time or as part of the activities of cultural associations, political, trade union, social and religious groups, schools, institutions or workplaces. In order to ensure proper preservation and rescue of the contents of the films (through digital transfer using state-of-the-art technology), the Humanitarian Society of Sardinia invites owners of family or amateur films in which there are images relating to Sardinia in any aspect to make them available. The deposited material will be cataloged for the purpose of immediate identification and enjoyment through the development of a content database indexed by key items. The Humane Society prepares a computerized catalog, accessible online.
  • Family Archives & their Afterlives. Family Archives & their Afterlives is a Leverhulme-funded project that explores the construction and curation of family archives from the late 16th to early 19th centuries. What items did families choose to keep? why? And how have these collections been reread, reused, and reshaped by subsequent generations? From dusty paper boxes to scrapbooks, press clippings and other ephemeral objects, this project peers into the archives of families from across the country and across the social spectrum, revealing the hidden hands and preservation practices that have shaped our national archival heritage.
  • Filmoteca Regionale Siciliana/CRic. the Filmoteca Regionale Siciliana is the regional structure in charge of the recovery and preservation of the documentary film and audiovisual heritage. It is an office operating within CRicd, a service of the Regional Department of Cultural Heritage and Sicilian Identity. The Filmoteca Regionale Siciliana collects, restores, preserves and enhances audiovisual materials traceable to the cultural heritage of the Island. Its main institutional goal is to safeguard the heritage on film, on magnetic tape or in digital, of works, entire film corpuses, collections, and television archives that are in danger of being lost or irreparably damaged. Its function of promoting film culture in Sicily, which also takes the form of editing publications, mounting exhibitions, and organizing internships, conferences, retrospectives, and festivals, also entails special attention to the most diverse manifestations of audiovisual culture, both contemporary and historical. The acquisitions are aimed not only at the widest possible documentation of Sicilian audiovisuals, but also at the most diverse aspects of film culture in relation to strategies for the dissemination of film and audiovisual culture in the regional territory.
  • Fondazione del museo storico del trentino. The Foundation provides services aimed at user advocacy and participation. Thus, the Foundation offers the opportunity to take advantage of its historical heritage and expertise gained in the various areas of its activities. All consulting, training, cultural design and product realization services originate from ongoing promotion, study and historical research, which are, for that reason, a substantial part of the Foundation’s overall activity. It is an institute for research, education and dissemination of the history and memory of the city of Trent, Trentino and the historical Tyrol.
  • Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione. The Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione in the portal Scenes from a Heritage collects photographs from family albums and other personal collections, analog or digital, to bring to life a choral documentation project. It is a shared space to tell through private and family photography the cultural heritage and its history.
  • Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico della Sardegna. The Istituto Superiore Regionale Etnografico della Sardegna manages and maintains the Cineteca l’Archivio Fotografico d’Antropologia Visuale; the film library consists of the films made and/or produced by the Institute in more than 30 years of studying and documenting Sardinian folk life and the works that are sent to the International Ethnographic Film Festival; these are several thousand documentary films from all over the world. The photo library holds more than 40,000 images about Sardinia in the past and present day.
  • Library of Congress. The Library of Congress provides a blog where users can write their family history and send it to the library.
  • Memorie animate di una regione raccolta, digitalizzazione e riuso di film amatoriali del Friuli Venezia Giulia. The digital archive, Memorie animate di una Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, offers the possibility of consulting and viewing an extraordinary heritage of low-pitch amateur films from families and generations that have lived, and still live, in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The free search, or by type of material, allows easy and immediate access to information and the entire viewing of films. A recent edition of Home Movie Day held in Gorizia (October 2018) showed how the regional territory can somehow be considered as a kind of, almost unexplored, reservoir of ethnographic and family films, with a potential yet to be quantified, but undoubtedly considerable. In this sense, a widespread collection effort promoted by the Media Library System can lead to the recovery of hundreds of reduced-format films of undisputed ethnographic interest.
  • Museo Nazionale del Cinema Torino. The Museo Nazionale del Cinema is a nonprofit organization that, starting in 1992, became the Maria Adriana Prolo Foundation with the purpose of promoting study, research and documentation activities in the field of cinema, photography and image. The Museum also welcomes and promotes projects to foster intercultural and social exchange, seizing the endless communicative opportunities of film heritage. An open and evolving museum space that can engage, excite and create opportunities for growth, encounter and dialogue.
  • Ofnibus. Ofnibus is a legal association founded in 1991, created by archival film enthusiasts. We have been working in this field for more than 10 years. We wish to participate in the preservation and transmission of this common heritage, your amateur films. Our mobility allows us to get as close as possible to the films and bring our know-how to local stakeholders (associations, communities, etc.) to revive the memory of your area. Amateur films, family films, local association films, parish films, teacher’s films, films shot together, within a camera club… Rummage through your cellars, your closets, your attics, stir up memories. The association searches for forgotten films in a selected territory at the level of a canton or municipality. They collect stories and testimonies to enrich regional memory and offer a public projection.
  • Patrimonio de Chile. Patrimonio de Chile is the department specializing in the preservation, research and dissemination of Chile’s photographic heritage. In its three years of operation, the collections have grown exponentially, highlighting, among others, the home cinema collection and the world archive. The family film collection contains about 300 films; They are small-format film tapes: 8mm, super 8mm, 9.5mm (Pathé Baby) and 16mm; whose contents were made by fans, with vernacular images of different nature, from birthday parties, weddings and other social events, to images of the 1962 World Cup and a trip to the Juan Fernández and Rapa Nui islands.
  • Superoptimists Regional Family Film Archives. The Superoptimists Archive Association APS curates theRegional Family Film Archive based in Turin, Italy. The goal of the project is the recovery and preservation of private memory through the collection of home movies, amateur films. Superoptimists is a cultural project that involves the communities concerned in every phase of its activities through collaborations with local authorities and social, cultural and productive realities. After recovering the films, Superoptimists is in charge of their preservation, restoration, digitization and archiving, as well as their dissemination and valorization through the implementation of cultural projects, training paths and collaboration with authors and production companies.

Demographic trends

  • GenPop. The European-funded GENPOP project studies long-term demographic processes in family networks from 1800 to the present, based on existing genealogy data available on the Internet. Through the use of innovative Big Data and micro-census data, it examines fertility and mortality in family networks and diversity between and within families across generations, to understand the impact of migration over the years and to delineate long-term patterns of assorted mating.

Cemetery registry

  • Caduti Grande Guerra. A project, promoted by the Province of Gorizia, created for the preservation through digitisation of the historical lists of soldiers who fell in the First World War and are buried in the military burial grounds of Redipuglia, Oslavia, Aquileia, Caporetto/Kobarid, the temple of San Nicolò di Udine, the temple of Timau and the Faro Monument on Mount Bernadia. Through this site it is possible to consult the lists, acquiring the exact burial place of each individual fallen soldier and other information such as the department of service and the place of first burial.
  • Find a Grave. Site of the Ancestry Group, a private company offering genealogical research services. The site is a database of burial sites since 1995. It contains over 226 million memorial pages.

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