State Archives of Pisa


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Civil registry

The sources are not available at this Institute.

Army census

The Pisa Military District file holds the Recruitment Lists of the Pisa (classes of 1842-1923) and Volterra Circumscriptions (classes of 1843-1905).

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Pisa Military District holds the Draft Cards (classes of 1844-1906) and part of the rolls of the suppressed Military districts of Livorno (until 1906) and Lucca (until 1888). The rest of the classes are held at the Florence State Archive.

State Archives of Pescara


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Civil registry

The Civil Registry archive gathers copies of the birth, marriage, death and citizenship certificates (mostly changes of residence) and marriage announcements from 1809 to 1928 (please note that some gaps have been found for the Italian period). It has been reorganized and inventorized, and it is periodically increased. A part from the registries, the Archive holds the Attached files series. The Ancestry Site publishes digitalized copies of the Italian Civil Registry until 1901.

Army census

The Teramo Recruitment Councilcontains the Recruitment Lists of the classes of 1807 to 1914. Those lists were issued by each town, and there are some gaps for the Catignano, Città Sant’ Angelo, Loreto Aputino, Penne, Pianella, and Torre dei Passeri Districts. For the Italian period the available sources are divided by:

  • Pescara Recruitment Office for the classes of 1870-1917; 1923-1944. The registers concern the Caramanico Terme, Monopello, Catignano, Città Sant’Angelo, Loreto Aprutino, Monopello, Penne, Pescara, Pianella, Popoli, San Valentino, and Torre de’ Passeri districts, and there are some gaps for the classes between 1870 and 1907;
  • Chieti Recruitment Office for the classes of 1923 – 1926; the lists comprise the following towns: Alanno, Bolognano, Brittoli, Bussi, Cappelle sul Tavo, Caramanico, Carpineto, Nora, Castiglione a Casauria, Catignano, Cepagatti, Città S.Angelo, Civitaquana, Civitella Casanova, Collecorvino, Corvara, Cugnoli, Elice, Farindola, Lettomanoppello, Loreto Aprutino, Manoppello, Montebello di Bertona, Montesilvano, Moscufo, Nocciano, Penne, Pescosansonesco, Pescara, Pianella, Picciano, Pietranico, Popoli, Rosciano, Salle, S.Eufemia a M., S.Valentino, Serramonacesca, Tocco Casauria, Torre dè Passeri, Turrirvalignani, Vicoli, Villa Celiera.

State Archives of Pesaro Urbino, Urbino section


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Civil registry

In the Urbino section, the Civil Status fonds preserves the registers of the period 1808-1814 with the marriage attachments submitted to the offices to draw up the deeds, the parish registers from 1861 to 1865, as well as numerous civil status registers of the Urbino district from 1866 to 1971. The “Antenati” portal publishes digital images of the civil status records of the Italian period of Urbino and the municipalities in the Urbino area (from 1866 to about 1903).

Other Sources in the Archive

There is also the Fraternita Santa Maria della Misericordia di Urbino fund (18th-20th centuries) with the registers of those exposed (1793-1911).

Archivio di Stato di Pesaro Urbino, Sezione di Fano


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Civil registry

The Fano section holds the Historical Archive, in which the Napoleonic Civil Registry and the alphabetical indexes are gathered (1808-1814). At the same section we can find the Lists of births and baptized childrendivided by parishes fore the years between 1844-1865, registers that will be used as well to create the Recruitment Lists. For what concerns the Napoleonic Era, we can find 3 registers at this archive, in which the names of the Fano inhabitants are listed alphabetically (the letters M, N, O and Q are missing); the Archive comprises the Napoleonic Civil Registry as well: birth, death and marriage certificates and marriage announcements. Nevertheless, the Section has not yet received from the Fano City Council the Italian Civil Registry. The towns mentioned at the Civil Registry and the recruitment files are all the parishes of Fano, many today part of the City of Fano, except for Piagge, which is an independent municipality today. Nevertheless, the Piagge parish covered partially the Fano territory, so the documents of the inhabitants of these areas had been sent to Fano.

Army census

En the sede de Fano en the Archivo Histórico municipal di Fano están presentes registros de recruitment en the siguientes series: Recruitment Lists (classes of 1839-1861), registros de inscripción (classes of 1841-1869), draft cards (classes of 1843-1870), and family status (classes of 1870-1888).

Recruitment number and military draw number

At the Fano Historical Archive we can find the Draft cardsof the 27th Regiment, classes of 1843-1870.

Other sources in the archive

Nel fondo Archivio storico comunale di Fano sono presenti inoltre dei registri contenenti i Ruoli della popolazione delle singole parrocchie di Fano per l’anno 1811, nonché un registro recante il Ruolo generale della popolazione del Comune di Fano per l’anno 1813, anche in questo caso organizzato per parrocchie, nel quale però sono elencati solo i nomi dei maschi presenti in ogni casa. Presente anche il fondo del Brefotrofio San Michele di Fano (sec. XV-1945) con i registri degli esposti (1809-1923).

State Archives of Pesaro Urbino


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Civil registry

The Pesaro State Archive holds the Napoleonic Civil Registry, in which the birth, marriage and death certificates issued by the cities of the Pesaro District from 1808 to 1813 have been gathered, as well as similar registries issued by the parishes from 1861 to 1865. The Population Census (1853-1857) is also preserved.

Army census

The Pesaro archive holds the Extraction and Recruitment lists of the Pesaro (classes from 1855 to 1916) and Urbino (classes of from 1909) districts. A lacune from 1917 to 1920 has been noted, but we can still find a complete series of the province of Pesaro-Urbino from 1921 until 1944.

Recruitment number and military draw number

This institution holds the draft cards from the Pesaro District (classes of 1839-1870; 1914-1940) and its alphabetical lists. We would like to point out that the military records of the years between 1870 and 1899 and the Navy draft cards from 1901-1913 are held at the Ancona State Archive, while the draft cards from 1900-1913 are held by the Ancona Documental Center.


The inventoried sources are available for consultation at the study room through name databases issued by the institute for the main series of Pesaro and Urbino.

Other Sources in the Archive

The archive holds Istituzioni riunite di assistenza e beneficenza di Pesaro, Ospedale San Salvatore di Pesaro, 15th-20th centuries, including registers of the exposed (1612-1863) and registers of the bagliatici or baliatici (1691-1917).

State Archives of Perugia, Spoleto section


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Civil registry

La Sezione di Archivio di Stato di Spoleto conserva lo stato civile, anagrafe e leva – (1865 – 1900) del comune di Spoleto contenente i Fogli di famiglia I, II e III, Emigrazioni, Immigrazioni, Registri parrocchiali, Registri dello Stato civile napoleonico e Liste di leva (1917-1948).

Fogli e ruoli matricolari

Il fondo Distretto militare di Spoleto conserva i Ruoli matricolari (1843-1934)
e le Rubriche (1872-1934).

Archival heritage

State Archives of Oristano


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Civil registry

The sources are not available at this Institute.

Army census

The sources are divided in two archives the Oristano Military District is subdivided in several series: The Army recruits (classes of 1880-1926), the Navy Recruitment of the classes of 1903-1911, and the documents of the non-commissioned officers of the classes of 1890-1903.

The file Sassari Military District hold the lists of the male residents of the Oristano province, born between 1922 and 1925, and called to the recruitment examination and the subsequent enrollment.

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Oristano Military District is subdivided in several series: Army Draft Cards (classes of 1880-1926), Navy Draft Cards (classes of 1903-1911), and the military records of some classes (1901-1927).

Online Sources

The Institute holds a database of Draft Cards from the Oristano Military District.

Central State Archive


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Matriculation sheets and roles

L’Archivio Centrale dello Stato ha realizzato la schedatura analitica dei fascicoli personali delCasellario politico centrale, una serie del grande archivio del Ministero dell’interno. Si tratta dei fascicoli degli “affiliati ai partiti sovversivi” provenienti dall’Ufficio istituito in seguito all’emanazione del Testo Unico delle leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza del 1926. L’archivio è costituito da 152.589 fascicoli personali con documentazione prevalentemente compresa tra il 1894 e il 1945.

Other sources in the Archives

A great number of Army files are available for consultation at the Central State Archive. The most relevant files are the acts of military courts (1834-1999) and the archive that gathers the personal records of the officers(1920-1970).

Archival heritage

State Archives of Cagliari


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Marital status

The Cagliari State Archive holds the Civil Registry files and its alphabetical indexes (1866-1910).

– List of conscription (1840-1948).

The sources for recruitment are divided in two files: – Cagliari Harbormaster, Navy Recruitment Lists (classes of 1871-1933); – Cagliari Province Recruitment Office, Recruitment Lists (classes of 1830-1924)

Matriculation sheets and roles

Recruitment number and military draw number

The Draft Cards are gathered in two files: – Cagliari Military District, Draft Cards (classes of 1853-1879 and 1885-1924); This file is composed of Draft Cards and alphabetical lists and was delivered by the Military District between 1957 and 1965. In 1970 the State Archive delivered the Draft Cards of the classes of 1880-1894 to the District, keeping the classes of 1853-1879 in the Archive.

Oristano Military District, Draft Cards (classes of 1876-1879).

This file is composed of Draft Cards and alphabetical lists and was delivered by the Military District between 1957 and 1965.

State Archives of Perugia, Gubbio section


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Civil registry

La Sezione di Archivio di Stato di Gubbio conserva il fondo del comune di Gubbio con la serie stato civile contenente i Registri parrocchiali della popolazione di Gubbio (1567-1863), Registri della popolazione (1864-1936), Fogli di famiglia (1901 – 1933), Fogli di famiglia 2 (1936-1941), Fogli di famiglia, Variazioni (1836-1941), Schede individuali femmine (1861 – 1936) e Schede individuali maschi (1861 – 1936).

Archival heritage