State Archives of Caserta


Status of digitization activities


Marital status

The Caserta State Archive holds the Civil Registry (1808-1865), which includes themarriage processes (1809-1864).

Draft lists

The file Military District holds the Recruitment Lists (classes of 1842-1935).

Matriculation sheets and roles

The Military District fund preserves the matriculation rolls (classes 1870-1935).

Online Sources.

The institute made available online:

Indici degli esiti di leva 1842 – 1851;

Ruoli matricolari classe 1866-1884 (nati 1861-1888);

Ruoli matricolari classe 1885-1895 (nati 1879-1898);

Ruoli matricolari classe 1895-1904 (nati 1874-1905);

Ruoli matricolari classe 1904-1920 (nati 1903);

Ruoli matricolari classe 1921-1933.

The list of fallen soldiers and soldiers decorated for military valour, from the First World War, born in Caserta and San Leucio.